Karin Bolldén, Ph. D.
I am working as an Educational Developer at the University Pedagogy Centre, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden. The unit serves as a university teaching centre of excellence in higher education teaching. It is a meeting place for university teachers and serves as a driving force of higher education issues at the university. I primarily work with issues concerning information and communication technology (ICT) in teaching and learning.
I have a professional background as an educational technology specialist and have been working as a university teacher. 2015 at Linköping University I received my PhD in education with a focus on adult learning. The thesis addresses online teaching practices in higher education. A perspective of practice theory was used to analyse teaching in two different online environments, a text-based asynchronous environment and a synchronous virtual world. The study had an online ethnographic approach and hence is an example of internet research. Hence, my research interest revolves around questions regarding teaching and learning with ICT in general, and teaching and learning online in particular.
In addition to the work with the thesis and postgraduate courses, I have also widened my scientific qualifications by participating but also arranging scientific and international conferences. I have also been part of the work of launching an international and scientific journal - The European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults (RELA) as the role of head editorial assistant. Furthermore, I have also been a visiting doctoral student at the University of British Columbia, Canada.
2004 I earned a degree in Bachelor of Science with a major in Educational and Instructional Technology, University of Skövde and 2006 a degree in Master of Science in Education with orientation towards Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Learning, Gothenburg University. During the years of 2006-2008 I was a lecturer at the University of Skövde. Mainly, I taught and had course responsibility for several courses in computer science and educational science. In addition, I arranged and participated in various efforts on teaching and learning in higher education aimed at improving the competence of university teachers regarding distance teaching and learning and teaching and learning in flexible forms.